Heeft u een vraag over Rope Access, Rope Rescue, Training, Offshore Wind Solutions of Heightegrity?

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Work with us

Work with us


Would you like to be included in our database as an IRATA freelancer? Download the form below (available in Dutch or English), fill it in digitally and send it signed and with the requested attachments to planning@ropeaccessnoord.nl.

The requested attachments are:

  1. Completed and signed registration form
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Chamber of Commerce extract
  4. Policy sheet of your insurance (make sure that IRATA activities are also insured)
  5. Scan of the original VCA diploma
  6. Scan of the original IRATA certificate
  7. Scans of other certificates

Apply for another function?

Are you interested in another position within Rope Access Noord? Or would you rather work for us on a permanent basis? Send your CV and motivation to don@ropeaccessnoord.nl.